Benefits Of Fiber In A Dogs Diet

Benefits Of Fiber In A Dogs Diet

Category : Dog Rescue

Benefits of Fiber in a Dogs Diet



Fiber is very important in our diet. As humans we need it. But what about dogs? Is there a benefit of having fiber in their diet? Is making sure there is adequate fiber in dog food giving them the best dog food possible? At one time fiber was considered a simple filler, however today, we know that adding fiber to a dog`s diet has benefits.

So what is fiber and what are the benefits? Fiber is a carbohydrate and like other carbs too much is not a good thing. Like us, because fiber is not highly digestible, too much can wreck havoc on our digestive system. So it is equally important that dogs get the right amount of fiber in their diet as well for the best possible dog food.

Pets that are overweight can be benefited by having extra fiber in their diet. Because it helps in keeping your dog feeling full they will not pig out on calories. Even though fiber alone cannot achieve weight loss on its own, it can make a difference by maintaining a healthy weight. This will contribute towards a longer and healthier life for your pet.


If your dog needs more fibre in the diet to aid in constipation, then insoluble fibre such as found in fruits and vegetables are fine. Most dogs won’t eat many fruits, but will eat washed raw vegetables – my dog likes carrots, peas and broccoli. Go figure.

As a dog reaches the senior years, constipation can become a problem. An increase in fiber can help this condition become manageable. How does fiber help in the aid of constipation? Fiber absorbs water which gives the contents in the intestines more bulk and this causes movement within the intestines.

You will know if your dog is getting too much or too little fiber in there diet by their consistency. Too much fiber will result in a loose and messy stool but the right balance will result in a normal regular movement. Another benefit of fiber is that it can assist in the management of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is frequently diagnosed in pets five years of age or older. This is also known as Type II or adult-onset diabetes.

Simply put, diabetes mellitus is a failure of the pancreas to regulate blood sugar. Diets high in fiber are preferred because they are generally lower in sugar and slower to be digested. This means that the dog does not have to process a large amount of sugar at one time. Additionally, the fiber may help stimulate insulin secretion in Type II diabetes.

Because too much fiber can be harmful to your pets it is important that you buy the best dog food available that contains just the right amount. Better yet consider making your own dog food. It is easy and affordable and you will then know exactly what your dog is getting.

Other types of foods that contain fiber would be Beet pulp, Soybean hulls, Rice bran, Apple and Tomato pomace and Peanut hulls. Grains such as oats and rice are also types of digestible fiber. If your dog needs fibre for some sort of bowel disease, then soluble fibre, such as psyllium or oat bran should be used.

Yes fiber does have benefits for our pets when used in moderation.

Written by Troy Foote. Pet advocate and owner of

Pamper Pet Care

Your online resource for pet health care and nutrition.

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