Bass Fishing Tips Things You Need To Know}
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Submitted by: Jimmy Roos
It doesnt matter if you are on a new lake or one where you feel at home, the main purpose of going fishing is to locate and catch as many fish as possible. In this case these bass fishing tips will help you locate and catch as many bass fish as you can.
In each body of water youll find an infinite number of different forms of structure and cover located in a variety of depths and water conditions. This means that you can use many types of fishing equipment and catch a lot of fish in a proper and legal way. Hence we need to take good care of the equipment we use to catch fish with.
The following are some of the most important bass fishing tips to remember:
Keep your feet dry.
You can accomplish this by using Seal skin sox or a waterproof pair of shoes that you can wear in any shoe. You will find this helpful especially when fishing in a shallow lake that requires you to step into the water in order to push your boat off.
Keep your rods as good as new.
Well-kept equipment are always good to look at and increases your enthusiasm which is essential for success. You can use a simple prep pad to clean the cork handles on the rod. If the cork of your fishing rods is very untidy it makes them look a few years older than they really are. Use a very light grade sand paper to sand the cork handles and you will find that all the dirt will disappear, leaving you with a brand-new looking fishing rod. Plus it will help your rod perform better and last longer.
Hi- tech basin.
A handheld computer as well as organizers such as the palm pilot can be very useful to the bass angler. It allows you to create a checklist of things you need so you dont forget anything, log conditions and store the numbers of your new friends you might have met along the way.
It will also allow you to download a map of your destinations which you can transfer to your desktop when you get home, for easy access later.
Be organized and prepared.
Always keep all your equipment together where you can find them when needed. It is best to keep the equipment you regularly use, in the boat, together with replacement parts in case something goes wrong.
Take care of your batteries and always bring a spare for emergency purposes.
Boat bearings.
Many anglers including bass anglers neglect to check the wheel bearings on their boat trailers. Every spring when you take your boat out of storage, always have your bearings checked. This could save you from a serious accident with your boat.
Rod basic.
The most accurate casting is achieved with overhand casting. Bait casting gear is extremely well suited for “targeted” fishing such as when catching bass. Sometimes it may be necessary to place a lure under a boat dock, under over lying limbs or between pontoons. In this case it is recommended that you skip a lure and use a spinning outfit instead. Be adaptable and make use of both types of equipment.
Graphite rods.
The biggest killer of graphite rods is impacting against a hard object, so keep this in mind when stowing rods for travel to fish for bass. The impact may not cause a break on that day, but it will create a weak spot that can break later. If you are keeping them on the deck, strap them flush against the deck so that the parts of the deck arent rapping against it during travel.
If you are storing them in a locker, do the same or put them in a horizontal holding system, where they wont hit the side or floor of the locker. If you are the non boater and your partner doesnt have room in his locker, try to find the spot that prevents or minimizes repeated bouncing. If you have to, lay them over your leg when running the big engine. It’s never fun to set the hook on a good fish and end up with a three piece rod.
Following these bass fishing tips will ensure that your next fishing trip is perfect and without any nasty surprises.
About the Author: Jimmy Roos is a bass fishing enthusiast. If you are new to bass fishing or you want to become a better fisherman visit his website
and sign up for his free email course filled with powerful tips.
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