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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Progessive Conservative candidate Tyler Currie, Trinity-Spadina

Category : Uncategorized

Monday, October 1, 2007

Tyler Currie is running as an Progressive Conservative candidate in the Ontario provincial election, in the riding of Trinity-Spadina. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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Life After Lap Band}

Category : Medicine

Life after LapBand


Dr. K. Huguet, MD

LapBand surgery is growing in popularity across the United States. So far, more than 150,000 people have had the weight loss surgery and that number is increasing each year. This type of bariatric surgery is meant for only the morbidly obese – people who are more than 100 pounds overweight or who are twice their ideal body weights.

Bariatric surgery is just the first step toward a new healthy life. What patients do after surgery is just as important – if not more important – than what the LapBand surgeon does. The effectiveness of the surgery depends upon the ability of the patient to change his or her diet and eating behavior.

Bariatric surgeons and their clinicians are dedicated to providing long term care for weight loss surgery patients. Often this commitment includes dietary and behavior modification suggestions as well as counseling support. Patients must attend between three and four follow up visits in the first year after their surgery to make sure they are on the path to recovery. These visits can include a review of the patient’s progress and a discussion of concerns or problems the patient is experiencing.

Each LapBand surgery patient is encouraged to eat a balanced diet and avoid problematic eating patterns that are characteristic of their previous lifestyle. A restrictive band that is placed around the stomach helps patients feel satisfied sooner and longer. The band is meant to reinforce good eating habits and the patient’s ability to be content with smaller meals. The LapBand will teach patients to eat solid food and make sure every bite is well chewed.

LapBand patients are also encouraged to incorporate physical activity and exercise into their routine when recommended by their physician. This will improve weight loss and overall health while building a better quality of life.

Use the following guide as an outline of what foods to eat, what foods to avoid and how to begin eating again once the LapBand is in place.

Immediately after the LapBand surgery, patients should sip water and eat ice cubes. For the following week, water and liquids with some calories are allowed, but patients should avoid drinking too much at once.

One to two weeks after the bariatric surgery, patients can drink thin liquids and clear broths. That means no vegetables, meat or cream in the broths. Skim or soy milk, sugarless popsicles and approved meal replacement shakes are also acceptable during this time.

For weeks three to four, patients should eat pureed foods that are similar to baby food. Make meals with proteins first, then slowly introduce vegetables into the diet.

At five weeks after LapBand surgery, patients can begin to eat soft foods; this includes tender cooked meats, fish, soft poached eggs and scrambled eggs. All meats should be chewed well to avoid obstructions. Patients should try to eat one to two ounces of meat or fish a day, one to two servings of fruit, one small portion of low sugar hot or cold cereal and a maximum of two cups of milk or low fat yogurt. All fats, such as butter and mayonnaise, should be eaten in extreme moderation.


Moving forward, patients are encouraged to eat the following foods:

Fresh fruit and vegetables

Whole wheat bread

Low sugar cereal

White meat chicken

Ground turkey breast


Skim milk

Low fat or fat free yogurt

Calorie free beverages

The following foods should be avoided while the patient still has the LapBand:

Seeds or skin of fruits and vegetables

Untoasted or doughy bread

Biscuits or white bread

Dry meat


High fat cooking methods


Dried fruit

Fried food

Peanut butter

Corn, asparagus, broccoli and celery




Citrus fruit membranes

Following these simple guidelines will ensure your LapBand surgery is a successful one.

Dr. Kevin Huguet, MD, of Bay Surgical Specialists, a group practice of board-certified surgeons specializing in general surgery,

bariatric surgery


lap band surgery Tampa

Article Source:

Life after LapBand


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Five Ways To Keep The Fire Burning In Your Marital Life

Category : Accommodation

Five Ways to Keep the Fire Burning in Your Marital life


Richard W.

You might think that your relationship with your spouse is doing well simply because you are not having any occasional fights like most couples do. But the question is this – Do you think you and your partner is still happy with your marriage? You probably feel bored about your marriage now, so here are tips to help you and your spouse keep the fire burning in your married life.


The best advice in keeping your married life exciting is to set aside some time together as a couple. But going out for a dinner or a movie is not enough, you must spend several days and nights on a faraway place just the two of you. Book an overnight stay at a first class resort, or take a leave from work and travel to some faraway country for several days or weeks!

Socialize with Other Married Couples


Attending dinner parties along with other married couples could actually help to bring back the spice in your marriage. Experts say that seeing your partner socialize with other people in a crowd could help to remind you of the things that attracted you to him/her. Looking at your partner talking, laughing and interacting with other people could help to rekindle the memories when you were still in the early stage of your relationship.

Have Some Intimate Moments

Being intimate with your partner is a must if you want to keep the love alive in your marriage, despite how busy you and your spouse are. Intimacy is what makes couple feel attached to each other, and such attachment is very important to keep the love alive. If you are too busy with your workloads, you can schedule your intimate moments especially if the two of you are too tired to even think of doing it during workdays.

Make them Feel Special

Because of your busy work, you tend to just ignore all those sweet moments that you and your husband are enjoying with. So regardless of how busy you are at work, you must enjoy your sweet moments together with your spouse. If you can, send sweet messages to your spouse more often, or try leaving flirty voice messages on his cellular phone.

Work as a Team

Another way to keep the fire burning within the relationship is to consider each other as a teammate. So always have teamwork in all you do, and make sure that your work as a team in making all kinds of decision. If in case you two do not go along with your decisions, be very open to talk things out with your spouse, because that is what team members should do.

Some people say that marriage is just okay on the first stages. This maybe true in some, but if you know the tips on how to keep the love alive in your marriage, then your marriage will be fine. So follow these tips now in order to have an exciting and long lasting married life.

It\’s important to keep the pleasure in relationship since boredom is one of the main cause of divorce. Find out more about other causes to avoid them at

why men leave

. Spicing up isn\’t adequate when the problems are too intense. Keep reading how to deal with it on

how to save a failing marriage


Article Source:


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Wikinews interviews Ubuntu developer Fabrice

Category : Uncategorized

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The 10.10 version of Ubuntu (codename Maverick Merkaat), a free operative system is to be released in the next few days. French Wikinews contributor Savant-fou (Baptiste) has interviewed Fabrice (fabrice_sp on Ubuntu), an Ubuntu’s MOTU (Master Of The Universe), member of the development team of the operative system.

Ubuntu is a computer operating system, based on Debian, which is created collaboratively by thousands of people. There are three official Ubuntu versions: Ubuntu Desktop Edition (for desktop and laptop PCs); Ubuntu Netbook Edition (for netbooks); and Ubuntu Server Edition (for use in servers).

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Mysterious power failure takes down Wikipedia, Wikinews

Category : Uncategorized

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

On Monday, at 10.14 pm UTC, the Wikimedia server cluster experienced a total power failure, taking down Wikipedia, Wikinews, and all other Wikimedia websites.

The servers are housed in a colocation facility (colo) in Tampa, Florida, USA. They occupy two racks, with each rack receiving electricity from two independent supplies. However, both supplies have circuit-breakers in them, and both opened at the same time, leading to a total power failure. All computers immediately went down. It’s normal for fire safety regulations to prohibit uninterruptible power supplies in colos, with the colo providing its own UPS and generator instead. The circuit breakers were on the computer side of this emergency power system, so none of the computers continued to receive power to survive the breaker trip or shut down safely.

The actual reason why the circuit breakers tripped is currently unknown.

When power was restored, it was discovered that most of the MySQL databases that store the data which makes up Wikipedia et al had been corrupted. The main database and the four slaves had all damaged the data on their hard disk drives beyond the ability of the auto-correction to repair. Only one copy survived safely, on a machine that is used for report generation and maintenance tasks, which remained 31 hours backlogged while catching up after an unusually heavy update load during the previous week.

Volunteer Wikimedia engineers worked through the night rebuilding the databases from the sole good copy onto the other servers. The Wikipedia database is over 180Gb in size, making the copying process last 1.5 – 2 hours for every server it was performed upon.

Regular back-ups of the database of Wikipedia projects are maintained – the encyclopedia in its entirety was not at risk. The last database download was made on February 9; all edits since then could only have been laboriously rebuilt from logs and recovered from the damaged database requiring much more time and effort.

Limited read-only service was established late Tuesday afternoon, with editing becoming possible 24 hours after the power failure. Final repairs continue now, as well as upgrades to prevent similar issues in the future. Server-intensive features, such as categories and ‘watchlists’ that display recent changes to selected articles to registered users, remain disabled to ease the load on the recovering systems.

The process which led to the damage originated with the operating system, disk controllers, or hard drives failing to flush the data correctly.

If the power to a database server is cut mid-write, the database may be corrupted and unreadable, however the operating system, hardware, and software are designed to make this very unlikely. In a previous incident in 2004 power was also lost to a server but the database was undamaged.

To avoid such damage, each database server saves a copy of an edit to be applied to the database on a separate storage system before making the actual update to the database itself. This so-called ‘write-ahead logging’ should ensure that in the event of a system crash, the database can be rebuilt from a ‘last-good’ state by replaying the edits saved in the log.

Earlier this year popular blogging site LiveJournal suffered a similar power failure when another customer at their colocation facility pressed an Emergency Power Off button, intended for use only by firefighters. The company suffered database corruption similar to that seen at Wikimedia.

LiveJournal are now fitting UPS to their servers to ensure that they have time to shut down safely in the event of a power failure. Wikimedia was said to be investigating the possibility of fitting similar equipment at the time of this failure.

Several pundits have suggested that the use of another database, such as the proprietary database Oracle or the free PostgreSQL, would have avoided the database corruption seen at the server cluster. A post-mortem of the incident show the failure was in the operating system, or the hardware, or some combination of the two. LiveJournal, which also uses MySQL, reported similar database corruption after their power cut.

The Wikimedia foundation only allows the use of free software on its systems, and future versions of the Mediawiki software will support the PostgreSQL database.

Users are reminded that during times of system failure or excessive demand, they can still search Wikipedia using Google. The articles may be viewed using Google’s cache.

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Who Is Responsible For Continuous Improvement In The Workplace?}

Category : Vehicle Tracking

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Submitted by: Christopher Stainow

In regards to continuous improvement within the workplace, improvements generally only happen when there is someone in the business who is responsible for improvement. In most organisations, this role falls to senior management, who strategies and plan initiatives. Various tasks within this role performed by management could include implementing quality management systems, or even improving workflow processes in order to continuously improve the standard of work that is produced within the organisation.

On the other hand, often when this role is delegated to a single person, the rest of the company no longer considers improvements. This means that entire departments may not be adhering to protocol or striving to meet continuous improvement standards within the workplace, believing this to be the job of the person in charge of such strategies. As a result, productivity is compromised, as the most important improvements are only implemented by management rather than those who perform work tasks on a daily basis. This also affects the overall standards within quality management, as there is no sense of responsibility that comes with being involved in strategies on a greater skill. Instead, employees simply follow orders and implement the tasks in question as given to them by senior management.

Improvement is achieved by learning the things that work, and the things that do not work, as well as the things that can be done in a more effective way. In this way, it is important for the entire organisation to be involved to a certain extent. Some important factors that should be kept in mind when implementing any improvement plan within the workplace include the following:


How experimentation assists improvement

During many experiments to improve systems, mistakes are made and in many cases, the experiments fail. Companies who avoid risk and do not condone mistakes of any kind often fail to see real improvements, especially in the case of mistakes made by staff who are implementing the improvement plan.

It is therefore essential to strive towards an approach that allows staff to try new initiatives, implement new strategies and find new processes that can simplify workflow. Staff should be empowered to suggest improvements, in order to increase leadership opportunities and add value to the organisation. In this way, staff are more actively involved with strategies, and are given more responsibility to ensure that they implement each task to the best of their abilities.

Why improvement is the entire organisations responsibility

Senior management in charge of improvement processes can be seen as facilitators. Starting with small work processes, improvements are then taken to organisation level often without including levels below. This could have some serious implications however, as staff who are not involved with any aspects of improvement strategies do not feel empowered or responsible for processes within their place of work.

The primary benefit to involving staff in company improvement strategies is to encourage responsibility, creativity and productivity. In this way, the people who implement the improvements are able to contribute to the company, thereby committing to continuous improvement on a far more personal scale.

About the Author: Article by Christopher Stainow, Chief Executive of Lennox Hill; creators of

isoTracker Quality Management System

& hosted

Document Control Software




Permanent Link:

isnare.com/?aid=908014&ca=Business+Management }

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Latest trial of the One Laptop Per Child running in India; Uruguay orders 100,000 machines

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, November 8, 2007

India is the latest of the countries where the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) experiment has started. Children from the village of Khairat were given the opportunity to learn how to use the XO laptop. During the last year XO was distributed to children from Arahuay in Peru, Ban Samkha in Thailand, Cardal in Uruguay and Galadima in Nigeria. The OLPC team are, in their reports on the startup of the trials, delighted with how the laptop has improved access to information and ability to carry out educational activities. Thailand’s The Nation has praised the project, describing the children as “enthusiastic” and keen to attend school with their laptops.

Recent good news for the project sees Uruguay having ordered 100,000 of the machines which are to be given to children aged six to twelve. Should all go according to plan a further 300,000 machines will be purchased by 2009 to give one to every child in the country. As the first to order, Uruguay chose the OLPC XO laptop over its rival from Intel, the Classmate PC. In parallel with the delivery of the laptops network connectivity will be provided to schools involved in the project.

The remainder of this article is based on Carla G. Munroy’s Khairat Chronicle, which is available from the OLPC Wiki. Additional sources are listed at the end.


  • 1 India team
  • 2 Khairat
    • 2.1 The town school
  • 3 The workplace
  • 4 Marathi
  • 5 The teacher
  • 6 Older children, teenagers, and villagers
  • 7 The students
  • 8 Teacher session
  • 9 Parents’ meetings
  • 10 Grounding the server
  • 11 Every child at school
  • 12 Sources
  • 13 External links

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City Planning Board postpones decision on Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal

Category : Uncategorized

Buffalo, N.Y. Hotel Proposal Controversy
Recent Developments
  • “120 year-old documents threaten development on site of Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal” — Wikinews, November 21, 2006
  • “Proposal for Buffalo, N.Y. hotel reportedly dead: parcels for sale “by owner”” — Wikinews, November 16, 2006
  • “Contract to buy properties on site of Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal extended” — Wikinews, October 2, 2006
  • “Court date “as needed” for lawsuit against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal” — Wikinews, August 14, 2006
  • “Preliminary hearing for lawsuit against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal rescheduled” — Wikinews, July 26, 2006
  • “Elmwood Village Hotel proposal in Buffalo, N.Y. withdrawn” — Wikinews, July 13, 2006
  • “Preliminary hearing against Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal delayed” — Wikinews, June 2, 2006
Original Story
  • “Hotel development proposal could displace Buffalo, NY business owners” — Wikinews, February 17, 2006

Thursday, March 2, 2006

Buffalo, New York — In an unanimous vote, the City of Buffalo‘s Planning Board voted to table the Elmwood Village hotel Proposal, postponing voting on legislation for up to 30 days.

The Board said its decision was due to the lack of public involvement, saying that there have not been enough meetings.

The Elmwood Village Hotel is a proposed project by Savarino Construction Services Corporation and was designed by Karl Frizlen of The Frizlen Group. The hotel would be placed on Elmwood and Forest Avenues in Buffalo, New York. In order for the hotel to be built, at least five buildings, that include both businesses and residents, must be demolished.

The Forever Elmwood Corp. is a Buffalo-based non-profit organization founded in 1994. Justin Azzarella, the Executive Director for the organization voiced support for the proposal, stating: “I am here today to lend Forever Elmwood’s support the hotel project. Particularly, Forever Elmwood is encouraged by the fact that this building follows the more stringent Elmwood Village Design Guidelines. We have been speaking with Savarino Construction, and they have promised us [Forever Elmwood] that they will engage the community further, including the surrounding Block Clubs and businesses. For that reason, while Forever Elmwood is in support of this project and the type of project that it is, we are asking also that the project be tabled so that the community can be further engaged. Specifically the surrounding Block clubs which include the Granger, Claremont, Asland and The Lincoln Parkway Block Clubs.”

“Because of the excellent work that Karl does and the game plan that they have, I think its an ideal use of this particular location. I think that this particular type of development needs to be encouraged and promoted as opposed to roadblocked,” said a man who owns five properties near the proposal site.

However, Evelyn Bencinich, a resident of Granger Place and whose house would be located directly behind the hotel said, “My property value will be depreciated or non-existent because no one is going to want to live behind a multi-story hotel. We are facing up to a year of noisy and dangerous demolition and construction. Children, pets and even drunk rebellers could wander on site and get hurt. Traffic tie-ups caused by large machinery and garbage bins is inevitable. Where will pedestrians walk? We could experience increased unsanitary flooding in our yards and basements due to the digging and cementing for the underground parking garage. Rats will be displaced into the immediate neighborhoods and be in great abundance. Once we get past the year of nightmare construction, what if you build it and they don’t come? We could ultimately have a seven million dollar rooming house on our corner.”

Patty Morris, co-owner of Don Apparel with Nancy Pollina at 1119 Elmwood also asked that the project be tabled saying, “this has only been public knowledge for less than two weeks and the public never saw the redesign. How can you vote on anything that no one has seen yet? The Board cut off Morris saying, “so specifically you don’t have any problem with it [the design] you just…” Morris then said, “Oh I am totally against this project, but thats besides the point isn’t it.”

The planning board is also concerned that the current design may still be too big.

At one point Board member Susan Curran Hoyt said, “we know you’ve cut down your number of rooms on this project, but we still see it doesn’t seem to fit the description of a ‘botique’ hotel,” and asked Eva Hassett, Vice President of Savarino Construction, “we wonder if you could reduce the rooms further.”

“One thing I didn’t talk about was the price levels of these rooms and that will be important to know. The room rate will be somewhere between US$120 and $160 a night, which is about the same price of the Hampton Inn down town and the smaller you make the hotel, the more expensive the rooms will get. We believe that we’ve made a good compromise in terms of the size of the hotel and perhaps botique means different things to different people,” said Hassett.

The board was also concerned that there is not enough parking asking, “are there alternative plans for valet parking off-site, in the event that you have a full hotel or a large event going on?”

“We are exploring several possibilities with respect to additional parking for valet and parking near-by,” replied Hassett. “We are also exploring the possibility of using the rear of 1105 Elmwood for additional parking, which would give us an additional ten or eleven spaces.”

The new design has a total of 55 parking spaces for 72 rooms, with 39 of them underground and the rest on ground level.

Hassett also said that a “parking study” will be done on the area.

Concerns that the second floor of the hotel will be too close to the property of 605 Forest were also brought up. The board asked how far the hotel would be from the property and Karl Frizlen replied saying it would “be approximately five feet from the property line,” but he also admitted that, “I do not know exactly how close the house next door” will be from the hotel, but did say “I think the house is about four or five feet away from the property line and we [the hotel] sit right on the property line.”

The board is concerned the setback from the property is not enough saying the space between the building and the hotel is “pretty narrow.”

The City’s Common Council also agreed to table the proposal also citing the need for more public engagement and the need for more organizations to respond including the Buffalo Preservation Board and the Office of Historic Preservation.

During that meeting, Hassett also said the proposal to try and get a variance to obtain the properties of 605 and 607 Forest were “now off the agenda.”

The Common Council is expected to meet and hold a public hearing about the project and the rezoning of the properties to be demolished (1119-1121 Elmwood) on Tuesday March 7, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall. At the moment the properties are not zoned for a hotel.

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Australian women to meet USA in water polo’s FINA Women’s World League Super Finals gold medal game

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Overnight in China, the Australia women’s national water polo team beat the China women’s national water polo team 8–7 in the FINA Women’s World League Super Finals semi finals to qualify for the gold medal match later tonight against the United States women’s national water polo team who beat the Greece women’s national water polo team 7–6 in their own qualifying match.

Australia trailed the Chinese 0–2 at the end of the first quarter before coming back to win. They were down 0–4 at one point before battling back for the win. Australia finished the second period with 3 goals, scored 3 more in the third period with China only able to score 2, and beat China in scoring in the fourth period with 2 goals to 1.

In the qualifying game between the United States and Greece, Courtney Mathewson and Kami Craig led the United States in scoring with two goals each. Ann Arbor, Michigan based goal keeper Betsey Armstrong had seven saves in net for her team. Greece performed better than Team USA during power plays, capitalising on one of their three shots while the United States was unable to score on any of their six opportunities.

The gold medal game is to be played at 19:00 local time in Changshu, China immediately following the bronze medal match between China and Greece being played at 17:40 local time. It will be a rematch of the VISA Water Polo International final, which Australia won.

In other matches played yesterday, the Germany women’s national water polo team beat the Canada women’s national water polo team 15–13 in an overtime penalty shootout to qualify for the fifth place match in their inaugural appearance in the competition, while the Russia women’s national water polo team beat the Italy women’s national water polo team 17–4. The fifth place match between Germany and Russia is to be played at 16:20 local time, while the seventh place match between Canada and Italy are to kick off the final round at 15:00 local time.

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Unions battle in Ohio over hospital workers

Category : Uncategorized

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Service Employees International Union, a trade union in the United States and Canada, was trying to unionize 8,300 workers in nine different Ohio hospitals through elections that were scheduled for this Wednesday and Friday. But then organizers from a second union, the California Nurses Association, visited the hospitals to encourage the workers to vote not to join the S.E.I.U. These actions led to the service employees union on Tuesday asking to postpone the vote by workers at the nine hospitals, all which are a part of the Catholic Healthcare Partners system.

Andy Stern, the service president is quoted as saying, “nothing more than a flimsy cover for out-and-out union busting that we normally see from employers, not organizations that claim to care about workers.”

The California Nurses Association, said it dispatched organizers to Ohio because in its view the unionization efforts were part of a “sweetheart deal”.

Rose Ann DeMoro, executive director of the nurses association, condemned this agreement. She called it “a rigged scam” in which the service union would bargain without care if they won the vote.

“This was a top-down deal between an employer and a hand-picked union,” Ms. DeMoro said. “There was a gag order on everyone, and as a result this was a banana republic election.”

“As for the future,” DeMoro said, “no election is planned.” She said that delaying the election was “a significant victory for employee rights.”

Dave Regan, president of a service employees’ local representing 35,000 health care workers in Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky, called the nurses union’s conduct as, “Their conduct is indistinguishable from that of the most vicious anti-union employers,” Mr. Regan said. “It violates every principle of unionism. Real people are worse off today as a result of their behavior.”

Orest Holubec, spokesman for Catholic Healthcare, said the system’s hospital in Lima had obtained a restraining order to bar the California nurses from entering restricted patient-care areas and aggressive leafletting outside hospitals. “They were doing exactly the kind of things we were trying to avoid,” Mr. Holubec said. “They poisoned the well to the degree that we didn’t have the conditions that we tried to establish for a pressure-free environment.”