Author Archives: Admin

East Timor, Kuwait start negotiations for investment in public works

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, August 4, 2006

Kuwait might finance a great number of public works in East Timor, in an investment worth 500 million to 600 million dollars, the East Timorese Prime Minister said today. José Ramos Horta leaves today for an official visit to Kuwait.

“I want to start right now the negotiations process with the Development Fund of Kuwait for the construction of great projects for East Timor’s roads, bridges, harbors and airports”, Ramos Horta, East Timor’s Prime Minister, said.

“For a project of this magnitude, to carry throughout several years, the amount of money to be spent is about 500 million to 600 million dollars or more. We are now waiting a preliminary study made by an Indian company, paid by Kuwait”, Ramos Horta added.

The East Timorese delegation is composed by the Minister of public works, Odete Victor, and the Minister of energy & mineral resources, José Teixeira.

The visit is part of an invitation by Kuwait’s Prime Minister Nasser Al-Mohammed Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah, and includes meetings with the Emir Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the crown prince Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammed Sabah Al Salem Al Sabah and representatives of the Development Fund of Kuwait.

This is the second visit to Kuwait in two years by Ramos Horta, an country with who the East Timorese Prime Minister maintains relations with several members of the royal family and of the government.

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The Secrets Of Hair Transplant Treatments

Category : Plastic Surgery

The Secrets of Hair Transplant Treatments



Hair transplant surgery and treatment methods are today one the most commonly sought for forms of cosmetic medicine. Though not always surgical in nature, and mostly medical and aftercare in its practical application; people still often opt for the more surgical hair transplant. India has many specialist clinics for hair treatment of all kinds, but the surgical institutes probably are the fastest and the most efficacious way to retain and regain lost hair. When people opt for the surgical route to hair regain and repair, there are more considerations to take while using purely therapeutic and medical methods. In fact, post surgical care after hair transplant is mostly therapeutic and medical in nature, but the routines need to be extremely strictly maintained. A disciplined medical and dietary regime is essential if you are to regain your lost locks; without which there may be adverse effects.

Hair transplant surgery includes two distinct procedures. The first method involves transplanting your own hair from the nape of your neck and replanting them to the front of your scalp where the follicles have died off. This means that all the follicles that have been transplanted are your own, and there is fast recovery which is naturally accepted by your body. This is the easiest, and the favorite method of hair transplant. Indian doctors mostly prefer this uncomplicated and easy to recover from method of hair transplant. However, if your scalp does not have sufficient healthy hair follicles to transplant; or the transplanted follicles are not healthy enough to respond to developmental and growth treatments, you may need to head in for hair transplant surgery of the second kind. This is more complicated, and much more intrusive and intensive in its treatment methods and process; but equally effective in result.


The real secret of hair transplant of artificial nature is the plugs. This is considerably difficult and costlier in terms of hair transplant surgery; and the recovery process is equally extensive. Doctors try to implement and use the aforementioned natural transplantations; but when such is impossible or unacceptable by the body; the doctor has no other option for complete hair transplantation. Hair transplant surgery is more frequent in India because genetically, we are more prone to premature balding and female balding. This is also why

hair transplant surgery

is increasing in India, and the costs are coming down. These days, almost anyone could afford basic hair transplant.

Seeking the best place to get a

hair transplant

? India s best clinics include that of The Cosmetic Surgery Institute the most recognized hair specialty clinic in Mumbai.

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Katharine Close, 13, wins Scripps National Spelling Bee

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, June 2, 2006

Katharine “Kerry” Close, a 13-year-old 8th-grader from Asbury Park, New Jersey, spelled “ursprache“, a word for the ancestor of a language or language group, to win the 79th annual Scripps National Spelling Bee on Thursday night. Close beat out 274 other contestants from 9 to 15 years old. This was Close’s last year of eligibility; she was one of only two contestants this year to be in her fifth year at the national competition. She finished seventh in 2005, having gotten a better ranking every year she’s competed.

This is the Bee’s first appearance on network television, with the finals airing on ABC; earlier rounds were televised in the afternoon on ESPN. Close, who enjoys running, music, reading, and her puppy, is the first New Jersey resident ever to win the competition, which she prepared for up to two hours each day.

Saryn Hooks, 14, was nearly eliminated in the eighth round, with “hechsher”, a symbol indicating that a food has been certified kosher. The judges mistakenly had the word down as “hechscher”; after being removed, she was reinstated in the next round after the judges received the correction. Hooks, who spent six months reading the entire dictionary to prepare, came back with confidence and finished in third place, missing “icteritious” in round twelve. This is the first time the judges have made such a visible error in the televised broadcast.

Kendra Yoshinaga, 12, of Thousand Oaks, California, a favorite for the finals, was knocked out in the seventh round just before the ABC broadcast began by “cointise”, a scarf worn on a lady’s headdress. Yoshinaga said that this third national bee she’s competed in felt “a lot more rigid” than the previous two.

This year’s schedule was rearranged for the ABC news broadcast: previous championships have been held earlier in the day. The spellers have all been given more media attention; for this reason Yoshinaga is perhaps one of the few who didn’t want to win, claiming that it would be too much. She has already received her share of attention, as co-author of The Spelling Bee And Me: A Real-Life Adventure In Learning, a children’s book about her experiences.

“People I don’t know very well seem to make a big deal about it, but my really close friends know that it’s not a really huge part of my life,” she says, of her relative fame. Keenly interested in politics and social issues, Yoshinaga spent a large portion of her last two trips sightseeing in Washington, but this trip, she says, has been more focused on studying.

“My mom sometimes finds words for me from books and magazines,” says the homeschooler, who studied over 30,000 words in the week preceding the national bee. Paige Kimble, bee coordinator, wouldn’t have been surprised to see her break into the top ten.

Another favorite eliminated earlier on in the competition was Samir Patel, who tied for second in last year’s 19-round marathon and placed third in 2003. Patel misspelled “eremacausis” in round 7, joining Yoshinaga and 6 others in a tie for 14th place.

The studious 12-year-old has one more chance at the national finals; Yoshinaga has two, as students may compete from their fourth through eighth grade years.

Cody Boisclair, a 23-year-old graduate student at the University of Georgia, misses the competition. He competed in the 1997 and 1998 finals, placing fourth in his second try. The Bee has changed since he began participating, becoming more international, and with increased media attention putting more pressure on spellers. Though many critics claim that the rote memorization and drilling of spelling bees is not a particularly beneficial activity, Boisclair believes his experience in the bee helped his knowledge of language rather than serving as a simple display of memory.

“I was one of those people who tried to dissect the word into its component parts, to find similarities to other words that I was familiar with,” says Boisclair, who began reading at the age of two. “Although I did do some drilling, I tried to find relationships to help me remember words, and even tried to analyze the words I was studying as I studied them.” His analysis skills led him not to a career in lexicography or linguistics but rather to graduate study in computer science.

Boisclair, who spent the evening watching the Bee on television while in a chat room with several other former national finalists, looks back on the competition as one of the highlights of his school years. “I think the best thing about it was a sense of camaraderie—for once, I really felt like I fit in somewhere. I was with people my age who were, by and large, ‘on the same wavelength’.” Also, Jasmine Kaneshiro, 14, from Honolulu, Hawaii, was not a favorite, having done quite badly last year, did better. She moved up from 72nd place in the 2005 bee to 45th place. It was her second year. “I’m pleased with my performance this year,” Kaneshiro said.

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KKE: Interview with the Greek Communist Party

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wikinews reporter Iain Macdonald has performed an interview with Dr Isabella Margara, a London-based member of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE). In the interview Margara sets out the communist response to current events in Greece as well as discussing the viability of a communist economy for the nation. She also hit back at Petros Tzomakas, a member of another Greek far-left party which criticised KKE in a previous interview.

The interview comes amid tensions in cash-strapped Greece, where the government is introducing controversial austerity measures to try to ease the nation’s debt-problem. An international rescue package has been prepared by European Union member states and the International Monetary Fund – should Greece require a bailout; protests have been held against government attempts to manage the economic situation.

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Custom Kitchen Cabinets Providing Elegance To Your Kitchen

Custom Kitchen Cabinets – Providing Elegance To Your Kitchen


Daphne Mills

Are you one of those people who love to spend most of their time in the kitchen to cook meals? If yes, then don’t you think that the kitchen is one of the most crucial parts of a home? If you seriously think that it is indeed, then you must know the value of having custom kitchen cabinets in your kitchen. These cabinets help to make the process of cooking meals and storing kitchen products a lot easier than you can even think of.


Nowadays, cabinets are quite common, and can be easily found in almost every kitchen, but the latest trend is of custom kitchen cabinets. And, many people are using them since former comes with the dual advantages of functions and exquisiteness. The greatest advantage of these customized cabinets is that the homeowners can get them manufactured in order to meet their needs and kitchen space. Getting kitchen cabinets manufactured as per your requirements would enable you to give your kitchen a look of your own choice. Moreover, it hardly matters that you are constructing a new kitchen or refurbishing an old one, as having these modern style cabinets can be of great help. The cabinets are one of the most important parts of kitchen renovation ideas. People with reserved income who cannot manage to pay for an expensive customized cabinetry, can get their existing cabinets refurbished in order to give them a modern look. However, renovating an old one is not an easy job to do, as the entire process requires the expertise of a professional and experienced carpenter. These professionals possess the ability to give a new and refreshing look to old cabinets and enhance the aesthetic appeal of the surroundings. By kitchen renovation or installing new custom cabinets, the entire look of your home and kitchen can get changed pretty quickly, and will also add value to it. Another advantage of using these cabinets is that they provide the best possible solution, when the space of the kitchen is very less. These kinds of cabinets can expertly utilize the limited space and provide an elegant look at the same time. It is like adding a delicate feel to the kitchen and making it look special and distinctive from other’s kitchen. However, in order to get the best kitchen cabinets, you must hire a professional company, which possesses experience and holds expertise in manufacturing and installing these modern kitchen cabinets.

Daphne Mills is working with the leading

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located in Calgary, Canada and has written some of the most searched articles on kitchen renovation, bathroom remodeling, custom kitchen cabinets and

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Japan to hunt 950 whales for “scientific research”

Category : Uncategorized

Monday, November 21, 2005

The Japanese whaling fleet is reportedly heading into the seas around Antarctica, drawing widespread condemnation from campaigners. Japan’s fleet of six ships left the port of Shimonoseki, western Japan with a quota of 940 minke whales and 10 fin whales.

Calls for the Australian government to intervene have been rejected by the environment minister, Senator Ian Campbell. Japan’s whaling program, which is claimed to be for scientific purposes, is expected to kill nearly one thousand whales this season.

“Japan’s attempt to dress up its commercial whaling as science is an insult to modern science,” said International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) Director of Wildlife and Habitat. “It’s time for the Japanese Government to respect the rest of the world – It’s time to stop whaling.” A Greenpeace statement dismisses the assertion of the Japanese government that whales are contributing to the collapse of fish stocks.

Senator Rachel Siewrt, spokesperson on marine matters for the Green Party said, “Mr Campbell can’t answer a simple question on whether or not the Government plans to take any one of a number of legal and diplomatic actions open to it.”

Legal action open to the Australian government includes invoking provisional measures under the auspices of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. These measures would — in effect — be an injunction preventing whaling from being started within the 14 days following.

In December, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society will engage the Japanese whaling fleet in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. The Sea Shepherds say the Japanese whale kill is illegal. They will be acting in accordance with the United Nations World Charter for Nature in their intervention. The groups objective is to “hunt down the Japanese whaling fleet and harass, block, obstruct, and intervene against their illegal whaling operations.”

According to Sea Shepherd: “The Japanese are violating the Southern Ocean Sanctuary. They are violating the International Whaling Commission moratorium on commercial whaling. They are targeting endangered fin and humpback whales that are protected under the Convention on the Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna. They are also in violation of the Australian laws protecting the Australian Antarctic Territorial waters.”

International Fund for Animal Welfare condemns what it calls a “mass killing program — a defiance of international criticism and a global ban on commercial whaling — as commercial whaling disguised as science.” IFAW urges the Australian Government to take Japan to the international courts to bring this program to an immediate halt.

Japan plans to kill over 900 minke whales and ten fin whales during the next six months as part of its whaling program, JAPRA II, marking a sharp escalation in Japan’s whaling activities. “It is a dark day for some of the world’s most magnificent creatures. Let’s be under no illusion—this is commercial whaling in disguise. The Australian Government must respond swiftly by taking legal action to stop the boats in their tracks,” said IFAW Marine Campaigner Darren Kindleysides.

Wikinews Australia has in-depth coverage of this issue: Southern Ocean whaling season (2005-2006)

Leading international law expert, Professor Don Rothwell, has advised IFAW that the Japanese Government is breaching international laws with JARPA II. He has advised that the Australian Government has very strong grounds to take Japan to in the International Law of the Sea to stop “scientific” whaling. Japan is targeting whales that are listed as endangered.

He argues that Japan’s plans to double its whale take are an abuse of its legal right. “The number of whales that Japan purports to take is not commensurate with the number of whales that would be necessary to engage in scientific research,” he said. “There’s also increasing evidence that non-lethal means can be used to take data from whales to obtain information about whaling stocks.”

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Kai-fu Lee: Developers will rule the next-generation Internet world

Category : Uncategorized

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The 2008 Google Developer Day started its second day today at Beijing International Convention Center, China. “Cloud Computing” was chosen as its theme for this event, driving more discussions between several participating programmers on the applications of Internet APIs.

The battle of [operating] platforms comes to an end in the presence, ‘The Internet’ will be the final survivor in this battle. With revolutions and risen-up products from different web era, an interactive platform for developers will be more and more opened. In the past, we [the public] gained informations from mass media, but now, interactions from Internet users are more and more frequent and active than the past. I believe that the Internet will continuously play the greatest role, developers will lead the revolution of next-generation Internet era.

Since Google Gears, Android, and the Google App Engine was already discussed in Japan, Google China announced that they will cooperate with several local internet communities including MySpace, Tianya Club, and Xiaonei Web on an interactive platform – “OpenSocial” in China.

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How Akshaya Patra Enables Children Dream About A Successful Career?}

Category : Home Care Services

How Akshaya Patra enables children dream about a successful career?


Akshaya patra

Online fundraising is easy but what kind of cause does it serve? Does it help in fulfilling someones dream? There are so many children who aspire to become someone like M.S Dhoni, Neerja, M.F Hussain, C.V Raman, Rani Lakshmi Bai, A.R Rahman, and others. There are children such as 14-year-old Shekhar who wants to be a chef; or Shivu whos an aspiring astronomer or Manjula who wants to be an actor who have been given wings to pursue their dreams.

As part of an initiative called

Giving Every Dream a Chance

, Akshaya Patra is encouraging children to dream about a successful career. While Akshaya Patra is already feeding over 1.6 million children, lets help the organisation spread its wings. We can do so by engaging in online fundraising and coming up with non-profit fundraising ideas.

This is how Akshaya Patra is a huge motivation to children-

1. The belief that theyve got a support

With the help and kind support of philanthropic donors, Akshaya Patra has been able to make the children believe that they arent helpless, theyve got a support in their pursuit of learning and living a better life. Knowing that there are people who care about him, 14-year old Shekhar got a chance to do a month-long internship with Chef of Vivanta by Taj, Chef Ramasamy Selvaraju. So let us join hands for children like him. Nurture

non-profit fundraising ideas

and donate to charity.

2. The feeling of freedom

The beneficiaries realise that it is because of the kindness and love of so many people from all over India that they are free from classroom hunger and are able to make a choice between study and work. A 14-year-old Manjula a beneficiary of Akshaya Patra got an opportunity to intern at the Bangalore School of Speech and Drama under the watchful eyes of its Founder-Director Dr. Zulfia Shaikh. She honed her speech and acting skills and came back as a changed and a more confident person. Donating a little amount to charity is the least we can do to support these dreams.

3. Breaking the chain of hierarchal poverty

At a very young age, most of the children from economically and socially backwards families of our society go through hard emotional, physical and mental conditions. They are deprived of even the basic amenities that we often take for granted. But this needs to be changed and education is a great way to do that. Its good to know that many children from these families understand the importance of education and realise that their conditions can improve if they get educated. With the same hope, Akshaya Patra has reached out to over 1.6 million children in India. In order to benefit more children, we must do our bit either by donating to charity or by implementing one of the non-profit fundraising ideas.

Akshaya Patra has a vision that no child in India shall be deprived of education. The organisation is sincerely committed toward it. There are millions of dreams that are yet to be fulfilled.

Sponsor a child


The Akshaya Patra Foundation work towards to end classroom hunger in India. The Foundation gives

online fundraising

opportunity for supporters to support the organisations cause.

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Flydubai plane crash leaves 62 dead

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, March 20, 2016

A Flydubai passenger jet has crashed in Russia, killing everyone aboard, 62 people including a crew of seven. The aircraft was making its second attempt to land early yesterday morning in Rostov-on-Don, a city in southern Russia, when it crashed.

Flydubai confirmed the crash on landing of flight FZ981. Four passengers were children. “We are doing all we can to gather information as quickly as possible. At this moment our thoughts and prayers are with our passengers and our crew who were on board the aircraft,” the airline said in a statement.

The flight was scheduled to land at 1:20 a.m. local time, according to Emergencies Minister Vladimir Puchkov, however went down at about 3:40 a.m. Investigations are ongoing.

CEO of Flydubai Ghaith al-Ghaith said, “We will have information about the circumstances of the incident and the black box in the future, and an investigation is being conducted in cooperation with the Russian authorities and we are waiting to see the results”.

Budget airline FlyDubai has been flying since 2009, based in the United Arab Emirates. This is the first crash in the airline’s history.

Mr. Ghaith said the pilot and co-pilot each had more than 5,000 hours’ flight experience. Russian officials said the international crew was made up of one Russian, one Cypriot, two Spaniards, a Colombian, and one each from Seychelles and Kyrgyzstan.

Security footage from a camera pointed in the direction of the airport shows the blast as the plane crash-landed.

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Cadillac unveils Obama’s ‘Beast’, the 2009 Presidential State Car

Category : Uncategorized

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The US Secret Service has released the first photos Wednesday of the new presidential limousine that will transport Barack Obama down Pennsylvania Avenue next Tuesday as part of the 56th Presidential inaugural parade after he is sworn in at the Capitol. The First Limo – the 2009 Cadillac Presidential Limousine – will replace President Bush’s Cadillac DTS Presidential Limousine that rolled out in 2004.

Nicknamed “The Beast”, the hulking machine is a new model year 2009, modified limousine. According to General Motors, the new “2009 Cadillac Presidential Limousine” is the first not to carry a specific model name. The Obama Mobile was introduced on January 14 with noticeably different styling borrowed from the Cadillac Escalade and STS, while the suspension is most likely related to the Chevrolet Kodiak medium-duty truck.

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Mr. David Caldwell of General Motors has revealed that the sleek black car would include a hand-crafted interior and “state of the art electronics.” The car’s high-tech security features include five-inch-thick (12.7-centimeter-thick) bombproof glass, tough-as-nails tires, and a sealed interior that’s invulnerable to chemical attack. The armoured limousine has been heavily modified to withstand potential attacks by weapons or bombs. The San Francisco Chronicle puts it in a proper perspective noting, “a half-inch of transparent armor is enough to stop a .44 Magnum round at point-blank range; at a thickness of 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches, the same material can withstand higher-velocity bullets fired from military assault rifles.”

According to spy photographer, Brenda Priddy, and General Motors, the limousine, which has the intricate, dual-textured grille, is also equipped with standard Goodyear Regional RHS truck tires in a 285/70R19.5 size, on 19.5-inch wheels. The rims have a run-flat device (manufactured by Hutchinson Industries). Xenon headlights from the Escalade are installed in the front, while the rear has some STS part. The doors are at least 20 centimeters (8 inches) thick. It carries the US flag on the front fenders and an embroidered Seal of the President of the United States is affixed to several panels in the back.

According to the US Secret Service, the vehicle would be a “valuable asset” in providing the President with the highest level of protection. “Although many of the vehicle’s security enhancements cannot be discussed, it is safe to say that this car’s security and coded communications systems make it the most technologically advanced protection vehicle in the world,” Nicholas Trotta, Assistant Director for the Office of Protective Operations said in a statement. The new limousine is the responsibility of White House Transportation Agency.

One of the specifications is that we don’t talk about the specifications.

The Presidential State Car is the official state car used by the President of the United States. It is informally known as “Cadillac One”. The current Presidential State Car is a 2005 hand-crafted, armored, and stretched DTS (DeVille Touring Sedan) built on a GM four-wheel drive platform. It was first used on the second inauguration parade of George W. Bush in 2005. But the version to be used by President Obama uses a GMC Topkick chassis, while maintaining the Cadillac exterior.

The President of the United States travels in one of two armoured Cadillac limousines based upon the normal sedan, the Cadillac DTS, with heavy customisation. Lincoln cars have also been used in the past, most notably by President John F Kennedy. The current limousines were custom-built by O’Gara, Hess and Eisenhart, founded in Fairfield, Ohio in 1942. It specializes in armouring limousines for presidents and heads of state.

President William McKinley was the first US president to ride in an automobile. However, it was President Theodore Roosevelt who rode on the first government-owned car, a white Stanley Steamer. Roosevelt’s successor, William Howard Taft, was the first president to use a presidential state car that was permanently stored in the White House garage.

Meanwhile, Obama’s 2005 Chrysler 300C Hemi was auctioned on eBay with a starting bid of $100,000 and a buy-it-now price of $1,000,000. It has less than 21,000 miles on it and is in like-new condition. He leased the car in 2004 and traded it for a Ford Escape Hybrid in 2007. The car was sold to Tim O’Boyle.

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