Author Archives: Admin

5 Countries Where Marijuana Is Legal (Almost!)

By Robert Kane

Marijuana users have always sought legal loopholes in countries where it is illegal to own or smoke it. Many people choose to buy marijuana seeds (which is legal in many places), then grow and smoke their own (which is not!) But every marijuana smoker has probably dreamed at one point or another of living in a country where marijuana is legal – or at least where the ‘rules’ concerning possession are so lax that it is effectively legal.

Most people know about Holland’s famously relaxed laws regarding marijuana (which is why it doesn’t feature on the list below!) While no other country has achieved such high profile recognition for making marijuana legal, a number of places around the world have quietly relaxed their laws concerning possession for personal use. In most of these countries, possession still remains technically illegal, but penalties are not enforced if you are within certain guidelines – this is known as decriminalisation.

So, if living in a country where marijuana possession isn’t punished by the law sounds like heaven, here are five places you should consider emigrating!


After a recent court debate about whether or not to punish those who buy and grow marijuana, Argentina has effectively made marijuana legal if it is in small quantities for personal use. A leading judge in Argentina even decided that it was ‘unconstitutional’ to legislate against marijuana possession! Those who buy marijuana seeds and grow their own are also leniently treated, so long as they are growing a small number of plants. The country is also notably supportive of several medical marijuana programs.



Before you go booking a one way ticket to Sydney, make sure you do your research. Different regions have different rules, but Western Australia, Southern Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Queensland have all decriminalised marijuana to a certain degree. In Tasmania, Victoria and Queensland, police have taken to ‘ticketing’ those caught with less than 50 grams of marijuana rather than arresting them, and Western and Southern Australia have instituted on the spot fines for minor possession rather than official warnings or arrests.


Since 2003, the Belgian government has made the possession and use of marijuana legal under the following conditions:

The amount possessed is 5 grams or less

You are over 18

You do not smoke in the presence of minors

You do not smoke in public

You can buy marijuana seeds and grow them in Belgium without penalty – however, you are only allowed to own one female plant. The purchase and sale of marijuana is still illegal, but most Belgians simply get their marijuana in Holland.


Colombia, has had relaxed laws concerning drug possession for over ten years. Possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana, one gram of cocaine and one gram of heroin is not considered to be illegal, although things may change – recent conservative governments have considered repealing this law to combat Colombia’s drug culture.


Unlike the other countries on this list, Nepal doesn’t have an actual decriminalisation policy towards marijuana – it’s rather that the laws they have are hardly ever enforced! Marijuana used to be legal in Nepal, making it a hippy Mecca in the 1960’s and early 70’s. It has been illegal since 1973 – not that you’d notice. Marijuana is widely available and used, especially by Nepalese holy men. Note that smuggling and growing are punished, but possession and personal use rarely are – if the police catch you smoking they will stop you, but only to collect a small bribe!

About the Author: Robert Kane is the managing director of Sensible, where you can buy

marijuana seeds

and informational books online. The website sells its products to customers all over the world.


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Wikinews interviews British scientist Dr Paul Dolman about proposal to cull deer population

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, March 8, 2013

Wednesday, a team of researchers at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom published a study of the increasing deer population in the United Kingdom, in the Journal of Wildlife Management. They proposed to cull about half each year out of the estimated 1.5 million deer population.

Wikinews interviewed senior lecturer in ecology Dr. Paul Dolman, the lead author of the study, about the problems being faced from the increase in deer population.

((WN)) What prompted your research into the effect of the deer population on other wildlife?

Dr. Paul Dolman: As a conservation ecologist I have a long standing interest in woodland management.

((WN)) What sort of problems are arising from the continuing increase in the deer population?

Dr. Paul Dolman: In North America and parts of Europe including the UK, increasing deer populations are changing the structure of forest habitats. This has knock-on effects on plant communities, bird and small mammal populations, with a reduction in the numbers of woodland birds that need a complex shrub layer. In Britain, declines in a number of woodland bird species have been linked to increases in deer numbers. Other problems include damage to agricultural crops, and increased numbers of deer-related road traffic accidents.

((WN)) Which species of deer had the most severe impact on other animals and wildlife?

Dr. Paul Dolman: In the UK there are six deer species, of which two are native (red and roe) and four are introduced (muntjac, sika, fallow and Chinese water deer). There has not yet been sufficient detailed work to disentangle their effects, but it appears that fallow deer and muntjac have particularly strong effects on woodlands and other biodiversity.

((WN)) Is there an absence in the number of natural predators of the deer, which would otherwise control population?

Dr. Paul Dolman: Increases in deer populations are at least partly related to the historic removal of large predators (including species such as wolf, brown bear and lynx), as well as the abundance of nutritious cropland. However in densely settled farmed landscapes such as much of lowland England reintroduction of predators is problematic and control by culling is therefore an important aspect of deer management.
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Florida man accused of threatening to bomb animal shelter

Category : Uncategorized

Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Florida man was arrested after he allegedly left multiple phone messages with a local animal shelter in Brooksville, threatening to blow them up. Peter Dalessandro, 52, surrendered himself to authorities around 11:00 p.m. (local time) on Wednesday.

Dalessandro has been charged with multiple counts of threatening to place or discharge an explosive device and multiple counts of assault. Dalessandro allegedly made six calls after a puppy the shelter had taken in was euthanized quickly. He called the shelter several times on April 20 and threatened to kill anyone who was there and stated that a bomb was on the property. A search of the property, however, revealed no bomb.

Allegedly, Dalessandro was angered about a recent incident involving euthanizing of an eight-month-old puppy at the shelter within fifteen minutes after the dog’s arrival. According to reports, it is the animal shelter’s policy to euthanize animals as soon as possible if there is no room to house them. However, The Miami Herald reports a shelter volunteer’s claim that there were at least ten kennels open at the time the dog was taken in. An investigation has been opened into the incident and is ongoing. Several employees of the shelter have been relieved of their duties until it has completed.

The director of the shelter called the euthanizing a mistake. Further reports reveal that Dalessandro allegedly called the shelter staff “scumbags” and told them, “I don’t know how you can make an error like that. I’m going to place a bomb and kill everybody.”

Dalessandro has reportedly made threats of a similar nature not related to this case. According to police, Dalessandro has a history of harshly reacting to news of animals dying or which have suffered abuse and has a rap sheet dating back to 2001. Some of the accusations against him include calling individuals who have been accused of killing animals and calling an attorney defending an individual accused of killing a dog.

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Viktor Schreckengost dies at 101

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Viktor Schreckengost, the father of industrial design and creator of the Jazz Bowl, an iconic piece of Jazz Age art designed for Eleanor Roosevelt during his association with Cowan Pottery died yesterday. He was 101.

Schreckengost was born on June 26, 1906 in Sebring, Ohio, United States.

Schreckengost’s peers included the far more famous designers Raymond Loewy and Norman Bel Geddes.

In 2000, the Cleveland Museum of Art curated the first ever retrospective of Schreckengost’s work. Stunning in scope, the exhibition included sculpture, pottery, dinnerware, drawings, and paintings.

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New Stocks Ip Os Offer Potentially Great Investments

New Stocks IPOs Offer Potentially Great Investments


Joe Petney

One of the most exciting investments one can make is found through investing in new stocks. There are many good reasons, such as demonstrated reliability and durability, that investors find established and better-known stocks more attractive. However, buying untested, new stocks can be satisfying for many good reasons. Investors gain a sense of involvement in supporting the potential of a new company and possibly the making of history. In addition, this type of investment often yields good returns to those who purchase the stock at the IPO price and see it soar later.


Going Public Companies do not begin with stocks and shareholders. They begin as a private entity owned by one individual or a small group of individuals. Once the company owners feel the business reaches a certain size, they offer to sell portions of that company to the public. This is a big step as it means ownership is dispersed to random investors. However, owners often reap large profits by selling their portions. Locating the Best New Stocks New stocks are often offered in booming sectors of the economy. Currently, the internet and technology are producing some excellent choices. The tech boom and bust at the beginning of the millennium are now history and the internet continues to produce services and companies in high demand around the globe. Energy companies are also on the rise to offer IPOs during this time of increasing oil prices and increased interest in alternative energy sources. Stocks in mining and precious metals are other young companies to watch. Finally, the pharmaceutical and biomedical industry is offering some of the best IPO stocks that bear watching. New Stocks From the 2011 IPO The following stocks made their initial public offering (IPO) during the year 2011. Take time to review their underlying fundamentals as well as their business models in order to see that these companies are fulfilling the very promise noted by investors when the IPO was being made. If these companies continue to grow and prosper, it is guaranteed that the value of each share sold will increase on the market. There could still be time to make an investment and see great potential growth with one or more of these companies. – Endocyte is a company in the biopharmaceutical industry. The company is currently involved in attempts to develop drugs used in the treatment of ovarian cancer. Investors who purchased stock in this company are currently receiving a 135% return on their investment. – ServiceSource International offers a software accounting platform for use in businesses. The company has a primary focus on providing help to tech companies. Since their IPO, the company has created over a 100% return on the investment. – Linkedin while widely known only made its IPO in 2011. The professional/social network currently boasts of over 100 million members. Stocks are returning over 90% on the IPO investment. – Sagent Pharmaceuticals offers generic drugs to hospitals. Investment experts agree on holding or buying the stocks that have give 74% back to the initial investors. – Fusion-io offers a new method to store memory by moving data that is more active nearer the CPU. This stock has generated over a 70% return so far. Stocks of Interest in 2012 IPO Several long anticipated IPOs for companies will occur in 2012. The news surrounding some of these companies has changed the IPO market for 2012. Consider the following possible IPOs. – BATS Global Markets should make a big splash. Founded in 2005 and filing for an IPO in May of 2011, this companies leaders are hoping to see funding of over $100 million from the IPO sales. – Facebook, the social media site, is one of the public offerings that are raising the most excitement for 2012. The company is planning for a valuation of the unbelievable figure of $100 billion. Stock sale is expected to exceed the $10 billion mark. – GrowOp Technology is a provider of technology needed in the medical marijuana industry. – Platinum Energy Solution is one of the leaders in the hydraulic fracturing method used to mine for energy supplies. – Glam Media is a company focusing on the market for women in online advertising. The company has already achieved sales exceeding $100 million per year.

Learn more about new stocks by

clicking here.

Also, discover ideas for other stocks that are strong buys


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New Stocks IPOs Offer Potentially Great Investments

Bat for Lashes plays the Bowery Ballroom: an Interview with Natasha Khan

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, September 28, 2007

Bat for Lashes is the doppelgänger band ego of one of the leading millennial lights in British music, Natasha Khan. Caroline Weeks, Abi Fry and Lizzy Carey comprise the aurora borealis that backs this haunting, shimmering zither and glockenspiel peacock, and the only complaint coming from the audience at the Bowery Ballroom last Tuesday was that they could not camp out all night underneath these celestial bodies.

We live in the age of the lazy tendency to categorize the work of one artist against another, and Khan has had endless exultations as the next Björk and Kate Bush; Sixousie Sioux, Stevie Nicks, Sinead O’Connor, the list goes on until it is almost meaningless as comparison does little justice to the sound and vision of the band. “I think Bat For Lashes are beyond a trend or fashion band,” said Jefferson Hack, publisher of Dazed & Confused magazine. “[Khan] has an ancient power…she is in part shamanic.” She describes her aesthetic as “powerful women with a cosmic edge” as seen in Jane Birkin, Nico and Cleopatra. And these women are being heard. “I love the harpsichord and the sexual ghost voices and bowed saws,” said Radiohead‘s Thom Yorke of the track Horse and I. “This song seems to come from the world of Grimm’s fairytales.”

Bat’s debut album, Fur And Gold, was nominated for the 2007 Mercury Prize, and they were seen as the dark horse favorite until it was announced Klaxons had won. Even Ladbrokes, the largest gambling company in the United Kingdom, had put their money on Bat for Lashes. “It was a surprise that Klaxons won,” said Khan, “but I think everyone up for the award is brilliant and would have deserved to win.”

Natasha recently spoke with David Shankbone about art, transvestism and drug use in the music business.

DS: Do you have any favorite books?

NK: [Laughs] I’m not the best about finishing books. What I usually do is I will get into a book for a period of time, and then I will dip into it and get the inspiration and transformation in my mind that I need, and then put it away and come back to it. But I have a select rotation of cool books, like Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés and Little Birds by Anaïs Nin. Recently, Catching the Big Fish by David Lynch.

DS: Lynch just came out with a movie last year called Inland Empire. I interviewed John Vanderslice last night at the Bowery Ballroom and he raved about it!

NK: I haven’t seen it yet!

DS: Do you notice a difference between playing in front of British and American audiences?

NK: The U.S. audiences are much more full of expression and noises and jubilation. They are like, “Welcome to New York, Baby!” “You’re Awesome!” and stuff like that. Whereas in England they tend to be a lot more reserved. Well, the English are, but it is such a diverse culture you will get the Spanish and Italian gay guys at the front who are going crazy. I definitely think in America they are much more open and there is more excitement, which is really cool.

DS: How many instruments do you play and, please, include the glockenspiel in that number.

NK: [Laughs] I think the number is limitless, hopefully. I try my hand at anything I can contribute; I only just picked up the bass, really—

DS: –I have a great photo of you playing the bass.

NK: I don’t think I’m very good…

DS: You look cool with it!

NK: [Laughs] Fine. The glockenspiel…piano, mainly, and also the harp. Guitar, I like playing percussion and drumming. I usually speak with all my drummers so that I write my songs with them in mind, and we’ll have bass sounds, choir sounds, and then you can multi-task with all these orchestral sounds. Through the magic medium of technology I can play all kinds of sounds, double bass and stuff.

DS: Do you design your own clothes?

NK: All four of us girls love vintage shopping and charity shops. We don’t have a stylist who tells us what to wear, it’s all very much our own natural styles coming through. And for me, personally, I like to wear jewelery. On the night of the New York show that top I was wearing was made especially for me as a gift by these New York designers called Pepper + Pistol. And there’s also my boyfriend, who is an amazing musician—

DS: —that’s Will Lemon from Moon and Moon, right? There is such good buzz about them here in New York.

NK: Yes! They have an album coming out in February and it will fucking blow your mind! I think you would love it, it’s an incredible masterpiece. It’s really exciting, I’m hoping we can do a crazy double unfolding caravan show, the Bat for Lashes album and the new Moon and Moon album: that would be really theatrical and amazing! Will prints a lot of my T-shirts because he does amazing tapestries and silkscreen printing on clothes. When we play there’s a velvety kind of tapestry on the keyboard table that he made. So I wear a lot of his things, thrift store stuff, old bits of jewelry and antique pieces.

DS: You are often compared to Björk and Kate Bush; do those constant comparisons tend to bother you as an artist who is trying to define herself on her own terms?

NK: No, I mean, I guess that in the past it bothered me, but now I just feel really confident and sure that as time goes on my musical style and my writing is taking a pace of its own, and I think in time the music will speak for itself and people will see that I’m obviously doing something different. Those women are fantastic, strong, risk-taking artists—

DS: —as are you—

NK: —thank you, and that’s a great tradition to be part of, and when I look at artists like Björk and Kate Bush, I think of them as being like older sisters that have come before; they are kind of like an amazing support network that comes with me.

DS: I’d imagine it’s preferable to be considered the next Björk or Kate Bush instead of the next Britney.

NK: [Laughs] Totally! Exactly! I mean, could you imagine—oh, no I’m not going to try to offend anyone now! [Laughs] Let’s leave it there.

DS: Does music feed your artwork, or does you artwork feed your music more? Or is the relationship completely symbiotic?

NK: I think it’s pretty back-and-forth. I think when I have blocks in either of those area, I tend to emphasize the other. If I’m finding it really difficult to write something I know that I need to go investigate it in a more visual way, and I’ll start to gather images and take photographs and make notes and make collages and start looking to photographers and filmmakers to give me a more grounded sense of the place that I’m writing about, whether it’s in my imagination or in the characters. Whenever I’m writing music it’s a very visual place in my mind. It has a location full of characters and colors and landscapes, so those two things really compliment each other, and they help the other one to blossom and support the other. They are like brother and sister.

DS: When you are composing music, do you see notes and words as colors and images in your mind, and then you put those down on paper?

NK: Yes. When I’m writing songs, especially lately because I think the next album has a fairly strong concept behind it and I’m writing the songs, really imagining them, so I’m very immersed into the concept of the album and the story that is there through the album. It’s the same as when I’m playing live, I will imagine I see a forest of pine trees and sky all around me and the audience, and it really helps me. Or I’ll just imagine midnight blue and emerald green, those kind of Eighties colors, and they help me.

DS: Is it always pine trees that you see?

NK: Yes, pine trees and sky, I guess.

DS: What things in nature inspire you?

NK: I feel drained thematically if I’m in the city too long. I think that when I’m in nature—for example, I went to Big Sur last year on a road trip and just looking up and seeing dark shadows of trees and starry skies really gets me and makes me feel happy. I would sit right by the sea, and any time I have been a bit stuck I will go for a long walk along the ocean and it’s just really good to see vast horizons, I think, and epic, huge, all-encompassing visions of nature really humble you and give you a good sense of perspective and the fact that you are just a small particle of energy that is vibrating along with everything else. That really helps.

DS: Are there man-made things that inspire you?

NK: Things that are more cultural, like open air cinemas, old Peruvian flats and the Chelsea Hotel. Funny old drag queen karaoke bars…

DS: I photographed some of the famous drag queens here in New York. They are just such great creatures to photograph; they will do just about anything for the camera. I photographed a famous drag queen named Miss Understood who is the emcee at a drag queen restaurant here named Lucky Cheng’s. We were out in front of Lucky Cheng’s taking photographs and a bus was coming down First Avenue, and I said, “Go out and stop that bus!” and she did! It’s an amazing shot.

NK: Oh. My. God.

DS: If you go on her Wikipedia article it’s there.

NK: That’s so cool. I’m really getting into that whole psychedelic sixties and seventies Paris Is Burning and Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis. Things like The Cockettes. There seems to be a bit of a revolution coming through that kind of psychedelic drag queen theater.

DS: There are just so few areas left where there is natural edge and art that is not contrived. It’s taking a contrived thing like changing your gender, but in the backdrop of how that is still so socially unacceptable.

NK: Yeah, the theatrics and creativity that go into that really get me. I’m thinking about The Fisher King…do you know that drag queen in The Fisher King? There’s this really bad and amazing drag queen guy in it who is so vulnerable and sensitive. He sings these amazing songs but he has this really terrible drug problem, I think, or maybe it’s a drink problem. It’s so bordering on the line between fabulous and those people you see who are so in love with the idea of beauty and elevation and the glitz and the glamor of love and beauty, but then there’s this really dark, tragic side. It’s presented together in this confusing and bewildering way, and it always just gets to me. I find it really intriguing.

DS: How are you received in the Pakistani community?

NK: [Laughs] I have absolutely no idea! You should probably ask another question, because I have no idea. I don’t have contact with that side of my family anymore.

DS: When you see artists like Pete Doherty or Amy Winehouse out on these suicidal binges of drug use, what do you think as a musician? What do you get from what you see them go through in their personal lives and with their music?

NK: It’s difficult. The drugs thing was never important to me, it was the music and expression and the way he delivered his music, and I think there’s a strange kind of romantic delusion in the media, and the music media especially, where they are obsessed with people who have terrible drug problems. I think that’s always been the way, though, since Billie Holiday. The thing that I’m questioning now is that it seems now the celebrity angle means that the lifestyle takes over from the actual music. In the past people who had musical genius, unfortunately their personal lives came into play, but maybe that added a level of romance, which I think is pretty uncool, but, whatever. I think that as long as the lifestyle doesn’t precede the talent and the music, that’s okay, but it always feels uncomfortable for me when people’s music goes really far and if you took away the hysteria and propaganda of it, would the music still stand up? That’s my question. Just for me, I’m just glad I don’t do heavy drugs and I don’t have that kind of problem, thank God. I feel that’s a responsibility you have, to present that there’s a power in integrity and strength and in the lifestyle that comes from self-love and assuredness and positivity. I think there’s a real big place for that, but it doesn’t really get as much of that “Rock n’ Roll” play or whatever.

DS: Is it difficult to come to the United States to play considering all the wars we start?

NK: As an English person I feel equally as responsible for that kind of shit. I think it is a collective consciousness that allows violence and those kinds of things to continue, and I think that our governments should be ashamed of themselves. But at the same time, it’s a responsibility of all of our countries, no matter where you are in the world to promote a peaceful lifestyle and not to consciously allow these conflicts to continue. At the same time, I find it difficult to judge because I think that the world is full of shades of light and dark, from spectrums of pure light and pure darkness, and that’s the way human nature and nature itself has always been. It’s difficult, but it’s just a process, and it’s the big creature that’s the world; humankind is a big creature that is learning all the time. And we have to go through these processes of learning to see what is right.
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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Green candidate Marion Schaffer, Oakville

Category : Uncategorized

Monday, September 24, 2007

Marion Schaffer is running for the Green Party of Ontario in the Ontario provincial election, in the Oakville riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed her regarding her values, her experience, and her campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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NHL: Penguins to remain in Pittsburgh

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell announced Tuesday morning that a deal had been struck between state and local officials and the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey franchise. The Penguins organization will formally announce the deal tonight, prior to the Penguins game against the Buffalo Sabres at the Mellon Arena. The deal will ensure that the Penguins will remain in the city with a 30 year lease on a new arena to be built in downtown Pittsburgh. The framework of the deal was constructed in an emergency meeting last Thursday in Philadelphia, when both government and franchise officials indicated that progress had been made, with the details laid out over the weekend. With the new deal, the Penguins organization would be expected to pay $3.8 million per year, as well as $7.5 million per year from both Don Barden, owner of Majestic Star Casino, and the state economic development fund. The Penguins organization has also been given the option of building a parking garage on property of the Pittsburgh Sports Authority between Centre and Fifth avenues, by contributing $500,000 per year.

The new arena is expected to cost approximately $290 million, and should be completed and ready to host hockey games by 2009. The Penguins will sign a temporary lease to keep the team at Mellon Arena until the new building is finished.

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Nsf Bank Fee Apology Letter 5 Steps To Requesting A Refund

By Larry Donaldson

An NSF fee is simply a fee that you pay your bank each time you overdraw your account with a debit card, credit card or check. NSF fees these days at major banks run $30 to $35 per instance. And, the way most overdraft protection programs are set up, you can get dinged with such a fee multiple times in a single day – resulting in $100 or more in charges.

The best thing to do is to avoid putting yourself into a situation whereby you could get charged this type of fee. After all, at least in theory, it should be pretty simple: just don’t make any charges or write any checks when the balance in your checking account won’t cover it.

However, as with most things in life, there is a sizable gap between theory and reality. In practice, on a day-to-day basis, there are a number of things that make it a challenge to always keep proper tabs on one’s checking account balance. For example, the way that many online bank statements display your balance information, it is not always clear which checks or charges have been processed and which have not. Meaning that if you really want to figure out your balance, you need to sit there with a calculator just to do so each and every morning before going shopping.

And don’t depend on your debit card getting rejected at the register as a failsafe way of ensuring you do not overdraw your account. That is because, with most overdraft protection programs, they are set up to actually accept a debit card charge via a merchant even when your balance does not cover the charge! This will result in an automatic NSF fee.

If you have recently had this type of fee assessed to your account, you will want to learn how to write an effective NSF bank fee apology letter in hopes of getting a refund. Here are 5 steps to requesting a refund via letter:


1. Get your facts straight:

Any time you are presenting a facts-based case for something, it is a good idea to have the facts straight ahead of time. Go through your bank statement for the day of the NSF transaction and write down details such as merchant name, data of transaction, the before-and-after bank balance, and the amount of the transaction.

2. Get a story together about what happened:

Of course, you will need to remain truthful, but put together into a story or narrative form just how this happened. You want to make sure it does not sound like an excuse, but rather just an explanation.

3. Get into a calm state of mind:

The way you feel when writing a letter will come across in your choice of words and syntax. Be sure to put yourself into a relaxed, non-confrontational state of mind before putting pen to paper.

4. Write a well-punctuated, grammatically-correct letter:

Of course, presentation in these matters is important. Make sure that your letter is well-written, and be sure to proofread for grammar and punctuation.

5. Send it out and await the result:

Make sure that at the closing of your letter you actually ask for a refund – do not just apologize and leave it at that. Then, send out your letter and await a response.

If you follow these 5 steps, you are likely to get a refund for your NSF fee if it is the only one you’ve had within the last year.

Important: whether or not you are able to successfully obtain a refund, you should consider changing banks to one that does not charge overdraft fees – even when you overdraw your account. These banks are out there and they are looking for customers like you – those who are fed up with paying excessive overdraft fees.

About the Author: Find a list of no-overdraft-fee banks in your area at:

No Overdraft Fee Banks



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Recalled pet food found to contain rat poison

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, March 23, 2007

In a press release earlier today, New York State Agriculture Commissioner Patrick Hooker, along with Dean of Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine Donald F. Smith, confirmed that scientists at the New York State Food Laboratory identified Aminopterin as a toxin present in cat food samples from Menu Foods.

Menu Foods is the manufacturer of several brands of cat and dog food subject to a March 16, 2007 recall.

Aminopterin is a drug used in chemotherapy for its immunosuppressive properties and, in some areas outside the US, as a rat poison. Earlier reports stated that wheat gluten was a factor being investigated, and officials now state that the toxin would have come from Chinese wheat used in the pet food, where it is used for pest control. Investigators will not say that this is the only contaminant found in the recalled food, but knowing the identity of the toxin should assist veterinarians treating affected animals.

The Food Laboratory tested samples of cat food received from a toxicologist at the New York State Animal Health Diagnostic Center at Cornell University. The samples were found to contain the rodenticide at levels of at least 40 parts per million.

Commissioner Hooker stated, “We are pleased that the expertise of our New York State Food Laboratory was able to contribute to identifying the agent that caused numerous illnesses and deaths in dogs and cats across the nation.”

The press release suggests Aminopterin, a derivative of folic acid, can cause cancer and birth defects in humans and can cause kidney damage in dogs and cats. Aminopterin is not permitted for use in the United States.

The New York State Food Laboratory is part of the Federal Food Emergency Response Network (FERN) and as such, is capable of running a number of unique poison/toxin tests on food, including the test that identified Aminopterin.

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