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Find Out If You Might Qualify For Gastric Bypass Surgery

Category : Weight Loss Surgery

Find Out If You Might Qualify for Gastric Bypass Surgery


Abigail Aaronson

Undergoing a procedure to lose a lot of weight may sound like a wise idea to many people, but not everyone is a good candidate. If you are thinking about your surgical options, getting a gastric bypass may come to mind. If you are wondering if you would qualify for this treatment, you should find out who this procedure tends to benefit most before you decide to look into it further.

The first thing you need to know about this treatment is that it is often a last resort. If you have not tried losing weight on your own, your doctor probably will not suggest this surgery. You should first talk to him or her to find out how you can get help with healthy eating and exercising regularly. Many people are able to come down to a healthy weight this way, and it is considered less risky than surgery of any kind. In fact, you can expect your doctor to compare the risks of the operation to the benefits for you before agreeing that you are a good candidate. This means that unless you have tried to diet and exercise properly for years without seeing results, you will likely be encouraged to avoid surgical intervention for now.


Another requirement you must meet to get a gastric bypass is to have a body mass index, or BMI, of 40 or higher. This means you are severely obese, so you cannot be simply overweight or chubby to get this treatment. Since extreme obesity is considered a serious health problem that could be deadly, surgery may be right for you because it may be dangerous to wait any longer to lose the weight. Having an operation can allow you to drastically reduce what you weigh within months or just one year, compared to taking a few years or more when you exercise and eat right.

If your BMI is not quite 40, you may still qualify for a gastric bypass if you are obese and have related health problems. Having a BMI of 35 and over means you are obese, and this often leads to serious health conditions. Examples include diabetes and high blood pressure, to name a few. Losing the weight can reduce the risks associated with these issues and alleviate your symptoms altogether, which is why your doctor may want you to get this operation. Even if your BMI is between 30 and 35, you may be approved for the procedure if you have serious conditions related to being overweight.

Talking to your regular physician is the first step to finding out the necessary information on this surgery. If he or she thinks it is a good idea for you, you should get a referral to a surgeon who can take a look at your medical history. Once it is clear you qualify, your surgeon should tell you everything you need to know about preparing for the operation.

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China overtakes Germany as world’s biggest exporter

Category : Uncategorized

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Chinese officials have said that their country’s exports surged last December to edge out Germany as the world’s biggest exporter.

The official Xinhua news agency reported today that figures from the General Administration for Customs showed that exports jumped 17.7% in December from a year earlier. Over the whole of 2009 total Chinese exports reached US$1.2 trillion, above Germany’s forecast $1.17 trillion.

Huang Guohua, a statistics official with the customs administration, said the December exports rebound was an important turning point for China’s export sector. He commented that the jump was an indication that exporters have emerged from their downslide.

“We can say that China’s export enterprises have completely emerged from their all-time low in exports,” he said.

However, although China overtook Germany in exports, China’s total foreign trade — both exports and imports — fell 13.9% last year.

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Get Help With Condo Management}

Submitted by: Charles Freita

Whether you own a single condo or multiple buildings of condominiums, renting out the condo spaces can be a great option for bringing in passive income and for letting tenants pay down your mortgage. Renting out a condo can be a good way to keep the space while you wait for it to appreciate in value, and can be a wise investment alternative due to the uncertainties of the stock market.

While renting has many perks and benefits, however, it has one major downside: you need to deal with the logistics of being a landlord. There are a huge variety of different responsibilities that go along with renting out a condo and those responsibilities only grow when you have multiple units to rent out. The responsibilities associated with condo rentals are one reason why many people are reluctant to enter into the market of renting properties. Unfortunately, people miss out on great opportunities because of their hesitation in dealing with managing condos- and it isnt necessary to miss out because help is available.

How to Get Help With Condo Management

Those who want to rent out condo space without having to worry about the day-to-day aspects of managing tenants and rental properties can get professional help. There are property management companies who specialize in all types of rental properties, including companies that specialize in managing multi-family real estate and condo rentals.

When you work with a professional who has experience in condo management, the professional property management company can handle all of the legal, financial and procedural issues associated with renting. The company, for example, can help you to:


Advertise vacancies and find tenants for the property

Set the appropriate rental amount given the costs of operating the condo/building and the going market rate

Interview perspective tenants and run background checks

Facilitate the signing of leases

Collect rent from tenants

Deal with tenant complaints

Deal with maintenance issues

Recommend ongoing repairs and upgrades to keep the property in good shape and to prevent big maintenance problems from developing

Address problems such as non-payment of rent and work through the legal steps of the eviction process

These are just a few of the many different types of assistance provided by condo management companies. Condos also have special rules/regulations in many cases and the condo building may have a board or association. Property management companies who specialize in condo management and multi-family real estate can deal with the logistical issues raised by the interaction of renters with condo rules/condo boards.

Property management companies are experts in what they do, and they know and understand how to make your condo rental or condo units profitable. It always pays to turn to the professionals to handle complicated and time-consuming tasks and successful property management is one of the areas where a professional can help the most.

To learn more about how you can get help with condo management or about the benefits of having your condo space professionally managed, get in touch with an experienced property management agency who specializes in multi-family real estate units.

About the Author: To learn more information about reliable Property Management Company, Condo Management Companies and Apartment Management Chicago visit at:



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U.S. Congress reaches deal on payroll tax cut extension

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, December 23, 2011

Speaker of the U.S. House John Boehner announced yesterday that he would agree to a two-month extension of the payroll tax cut. In an effort to end the impasse between the House and Senate, Boehner told Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid that he would schedule a House vote on the Senate version of the bill that would extend the tax cut, which was due to expire at the end of the year.

Speaker John Boehner (pictured) announced yesterday that he would agree to a two-month extension of the payroll tax cut. Image: U.S. Congress.

Speaker Boehner announced the agreement in a brief statement: “Senator Reid and I have reached an agreement that will ensure taxes do not increase for working families on January 1”. Boehner informed other congressmen of the deal in a conference call yesterday evening.

The House may pass the bill via unanimous consent today, which would not require the presence of all members. Boehner and Reid also agreed to a bipartisan negotiation committee to sort out differences and extend the tax cut for an entire year, a goal recently sought by Republicans in the House.

The extension of the payroll tax cut, which would prevent approximately 160 million Americans from seeing a tax increase in 2012, had already been passed by the Senate last weekend. Earlier yesterday, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell joined several other Republican Senators in encouraging the House to pass the extension.

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said that once the House acts, he “will be happy to restart the negotiating process to forge a yearlong extension.” At a news conference, Speaker Boehner issued a statement: “We have fought the good fight. Why not do the right thing for the American people even though it’s not exactly what we want.” President Obama also responded to the development in a statement: “This is good news, just in time for the holidays. This is the right thing to do to strengthen our families, grow our economy, and create new jobs. This is real money that will make a real difference in people’s lives.”

The tax cut extension impasse began when the House effectively rejected the Senate-approved version of the bill on Tuesday after being faced with opposition from House Republicans, specifically those associated with the Tea Party movement, who advocated for spending cuts and the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline.

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Lebanon goodbye to Syrian forces

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Lebanon region map

As the last forces in the final Syrian pullout from Lebanon left, Bekaa Valley residents danced, waved flags, raised banners and cried tears of brotherhood in celebration. Tuesday afternoon’s Masnaa border crossing marked the exit from Lebanon of the last Syrian Army remnants, leaving 29 years of occupation behind.

A morning military gathering at Bekaa’s air base in Riyaq bid farewell to remaining troops and intelligence officers. Attended by military attachés and dignitaries from several countries, including the United States, France and North Korea, medals were exchanged and both Lebanonese and Syrian military bands played anthems.In the largely symbolic ceremony, commander of the Lebanese Army Gen. Michel Suleiman said, “Brothers in arms, thank you for your sacrifices. Together we shall always remain brothers in arms in the face of the Israeli enemy.”

The Lebanese government led by Bashar al-Assad needs to make quick political reforms to ensure the survival of his regime. The once-dominant pro-Syrian intelligence and security services are disappearing as the new government holds them accountable for past actions. The leadership vacuum must be filled.

Yesterday, the powerful head of the General Security service Jamil Sayyed, announced his resignation due to “changing political developments”. Raymond Azar, the chief of Lebanese military intelligence, reportedly fled with his family to France.

A former CIA operative in Lebanon and the Middle East, Bob Baer said, “They [the Syrians] are going to lose day-to-day control over Lebanon, once they don’t have the T-72 tanks and the military there to back up the intelligence units.” according to UPI.

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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Green candidate Peter Ormond, Hamilton Centre

Category : Uncategorized

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Peter Ormond is running for the Green Party of Ontario in the Ontario provincial election, in the Hamilton Centre riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Ormond did not answer three questions: “Which of your competitors do you expect to pose the biggest challenge to your candidacy? Why? What makes you the most desirable of all candidates running in the riding?”, “Are the property taxes in your riding at a fair level for the amount of services received in the municipality?”, and “Of the decisions made by Ontario’s 38th Legislative Assembly, which was the most beneficial to your this electoral district? To the province as a whole? Which was least beneficial, or even harmful, to your this riding? To the province as a whole?”

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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Germany legalises medical use of cannabis

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, January 20, 2017

Yesterday, the German Bundestag passed a law to legalise cannabis drug for medicinal purposes. The law is to come under effect in March.

“Seriously ill people must be treated in the best ways possible” ((de))German language: ?Schwerkranke Menschen müssen bestmöglich versorgt werden., German health minister Hermann Gröhe tweeted. Doctors can prescribe marijuana — cannabis — for patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, or loss of appetite or nausea from cancer’s chemotherapy treatment.

Christian Democrats (CDU) lawmaker Rainer Hayek said this law would still prevent recreational use of cannabis. The cost of cannabis is to be covered under health insurance. Patients can buy dried buds or cannabis extracts from pharmacies with a prescription or get synthetic derivatives from other countries, though possession of the drug in large quantities is not allowed.

Cannabis cultivation is to be monitored by the government. Germany has joined other European countries such as Austria, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal and Netherlands in legalising the drug to some extent.

In October, a 53-year-old multiple sclerosis patient showed cannabis was the only solution to reduce his pain, and the court granted him permission to grow as many as 130 plants in one year for personal use. Purchasing, rather than growing, medical cannabis at the time cost about €15 (US$16.85) per gram.

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Imprisoned Haitian priest may need US doctors

Category : Uncategorized

Friday, December 16, 2005

Supporters of jailed priest Jean-Juste say that he needs medical treatment in the United States. His attourney, Bill Quigley, told reporters that the priest, who was considered a potential presidential candidate before his arrest and long detainment, may have cancer and should be released so that he can seek medical attention in the United States. A doctor, Dr. John Carroll, who examined Jean-Juste said that an abnormal white blood cell count, as well as swelling in his neck and under his arms could be early signs of cancer. The government of interim President Alenxandre said that their doctors have examined the priest as well and said no signs of cancer exist.

Jean-Juste has been in jail since July when he was arrested at a funeral of a popular Haitian journalist and poet. He was originally detained for questioning related to the murder but also allegations of illegal weapons possessions have been brought up. He’s yet to be charged in any crimes. The doctor who made the claim of possible cancer is a supporter of Jean-Juste and some might think that this is an exaggeration to allow Jean-Juste out of Haiti to plan his political future.

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Paris hotel fire kills 22

Category : Uncategorized

Saturday, April 16, 2005

A Paris fire in a hotel killed 22 people, 10 of whom were children, while injuring 53 — 11 seriously. The hotel was an overcrowded, budget accommodation type of housing. Most of the inhabitants were African, many housed by social services, according to an Associated Press report.

The 32 room, six-story Paris Opera hotel, was made to house 61 guests, but 90 were staying at the time of the fire, with 84 of them placed by city or state social services.

The fire is thought to have started in the breakfast room at 2:20 am Friday, local time.

Along with the Africans, who were mostly refugees, others wounded included French, Senegalese, Portuguese, Americans, Ukrainians, and Tunisians, according to a report from Turkish The hotel is situated near to La Galerie Lafayette, Printemps shopping center, and Paris Opera.

It took nearly 250 fire-fighters to control the fire, and the number of casualties was high because of the single exit.

“It’s hard in that kind of situation to tell people to calm down. They jumped. People on the first floor threw their children out the windows,” Alfred Millot, head of the fire service at the nearby upmarket Galeries Lafayette department store, told Agence France-Presse.

“With our own equipment, we started fighting the fire from the ground floor. I came running and people were already jumping through the windows,” said Millot.

His store warehouse was used as a temporary morgue. Families were counselled and assisted in re-uniting by the Red Cross.

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Los Angeles hospital lies, discriminates for Saudi liver transplant patient

Category : Uncategorized

Monday, October 3, 2005

St. Vincent Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, a large organ transplantation center, reports that a low priority Saudi liver transplant patient received improper priority, and the actions were concealed.

Hospital President Gus Valdespino confirmed that hospital staff members falsified documents several times to cover up the maneuver, pretending that the transplant was for a patient who was near the top of the regional waiting list, when the Saudi patient was 52nd on the state’s liver transplant list.

Priority is believed to have been granted because the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia would pay 25% to 30% more for the operation than U.S. insurance companies would have paid. The medical community views giving preference to one patient for nonmedical reasons as “totally unconscionable,” according to Dr. Douglas Hanto, of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.

The National Organ Network permits a maximum of 5% of donated organs to go to foreign nations. According to records, St. Vincent provided about 8% of its organs to foreign nationals.

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