New Stocks Ip Os Offer Potentially Great Investments
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New Stocks IPOs Offer Potentially Great Investments
Joe Petney
One of the most exciting investments one can make is found through investing in new stocks. There are many good reasons, such as demonstrated reliability and durability, that investors find established and better-known stocks more attractive. However, buying untested, new stocks can be satisfying for many good reasons. Investors gain a sense of involvement in supporting the potential of a new company and possibly the making of history. In addition, this type of investment often yields good returns to those who purchase the stock at the IPO price and see it soar later.
Going Public Companies do not begin with stocks and shareholders. They begin as a private entity owned by one individual or a small group of individuals. Once the company owners feel the business reaches a certain size, they offer to sell portions of that company to the public. This is a big step as it means ownership is dispersed to random investors. However, owners often reap large profits by selling their portions. Locating the Best New Stocks New stocks are often offered in booming sectors of the economy. Currently, the internet and technology are producing some excellent choices. The tech boom and bust at the beginning of the millennium are now history and the internet continues to produce services and companies in high demand around the globe. Energy companies are also on the rise to offer IPOs during this time of increasing oil prices and increased interest in alternative energy sources. Stocks in mining and precious metals are other young companies to watch. Finally, the pharmaceutical and biomedical industry is offering some of the best IPO stocks that bear watching. New Stocks From the 2011 IPO The following stocks made their initial public offering (IPO) during the year 2011. Take time to review their underlying fundamentals as well as their business models in order to see that these companies are fulfilling the very promise noted by investors when the IPO was being made. If these companies continue to grow and prosper, it is guaranteed that the value of each share sold will increase on the market. There could still be time to make an investment and see great potential growth with one or more of these companies. – Endocyte is a company in the biopharmaceutical industry. The company is currently involved in attempts to develop drugs used in the treatment of ovarian cancer. Investors who purchased stock in this company are currently receiving a 135% return on their investment. – ServiceSource International offers a software accounting platform for use in businesses. The company has a primary focus on providing help to tech companies. Since their IPO, the company has created over a 100% return on the investment. – Linkedin while widely known only made its IPO in 2011. The professional/social network currently boasts of over 100 million members. Stocks are returning over 90% on the IPO investment. – Sagent Pharmaceuticals offers generic drugs to hospitals. Investment experts agree on holding or buying the stocks that have give 74% back to the initial investors. – Fusion-io offers a new method to store memory by moving data that is more active nearer the CPU. This stock has generated over a 70% return so far. Stocks of Interest in 2012 IPO Several long anticipated IPOs for companies will occur in 2012. The news surrounding some of these companies has changed the IPO market for 2012. Consider the following possible IPOs. – BATS Global Markets should make a big splash. Founded in 2005 and filing for an IPO in May of 2011, this companies leaders are hoping to see funding of over $100 million from the IPO sales. – Facebook, the social media site, is one of the public offerings that are raising the most excitement for 2012. The company is planning for a valuation of the unbelievable figure of $100 billion. Stock sale is expected to exceed the $10 billion mark. – GrowOp Technology is a provider of technology needed in the medical marijuana industry. – Platinum Energy Solution is one of the leaders in the hydraulic fracturing method used to mine for energy supplies. – Glam Media is a company focusing on the market for women in online advertising. The company has already achieved sales exceeding $100 million per year.
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New Stocks IPOs Offer Potentially Great Investments